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Union with the Resurrected Christ (A/NY Podcast)

Union with the Resurrected Christ: Eschatological New Creation and New Testament Biblical Theology


In this week's episode of The Already and Not Yet, G. K. Beale and T. James Milliken inaugurate a brand new discussion of the believer's experience of Salvation, otherwise known as the Ordo Salutis. Where traditional systematic theology may emphasize the linear order of salvation through history (e.g., from past to present), today's episode focuses on nineteen different aspects of the believer's living union with Christ:

The discussion in today's episode of The Already and Not Yet is based on the long-awaited sequel to Dr. Beale's highly acclaimed New Testament Biblical Theology, now with its second volume emphasizing the believer's union with the resurrected Christ:

“This volume represents the matured culmination of much of Beale’s decades-long biblical-theological work. Impressive for its comprehensive scope and penetrating insights, it focuses on the climactic centrality of the resurrection and ascension of Christ in the history of redemption and the inseparable and multifaceted saving benefits flowing from union with Christ specifically as resurrected. It is fairly read as providing, as he says, a virtual ‘encyclopedia’ of that union. A valuable feature is the frequent ‘application’ sections throughout. Truly a magnum opus, I commend its careful reading and study.” Richard B. Gaffin Jr. Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology Westminster Theological Seminary

To read a sample copy of Union with the Resurrected Christ, click here to access a sample PDF at WTS Books.

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